
Listed below, you will find our current rates. If you do not find the information you need, please contact our office and we will provide it for you.



Tennessee law mandates that the Metro Utility Department operate its water and sewer system as a financially self-sufficient enterprise and that its rates and fees reflect the actual cost of providing its water and sewer services. Therefore, the Department’s only source of revenue comes from the rates and fees its customers pay for water and sewer service. To meet these mandates, the Department must increase its current water and sewer rates to remain financially sound and to continue to meet the water quality regulations of the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation. The Department last increased its monthly water and sewer service rates August 2018.


Effective July 1, 2022 the new monthly rates for water and sewer service will be as follows:


Water: $7.93 Service Charge and $9.94 per 1000 gallons.
Sewer: $5.38 Service Charge and $22.89 per 1000 gallons.


Water: $7.93 Service Charge and $12.65 per 1000 gallons.
Sewer: $5.38 Service Charge and $28.18 per 1000 gallons.



$7.93 Service Charge and $14.36 per 1000 gallons.


Water Tap Fees:

¾ inch tap $1,500.00
1 inch $2,000.00
2 inch $4,000.00
3 inch and up To be determined

Residential Sewer Tap Fees:


Note: The cost of upgrade from one tap size to another will be the cost of the tap as stated above.

Churches and community clubs will be charged the actual cost of installation of the tap in lieu of the full tap fee. This is a community service provided by the Department.

Should the cost of the installation of the tap exceed the tap fee, the additional cost will be borne by the customer.


Other Fees:

Nonrefundable service fee $50.00 per connection
Renter's Deposit $150.00-$250.00 per connection
Service Call Fee $50.00 per service call
Returned Check Service Fee $30.00 per returned check
Reconnection Fee $100.00 per reconnect
Cut Lock Fee $35.00 per cut lock
Tampering Fee (Water Theft) $1,000.00 *1st occurrence, $3,000.00 *2nd occurrence, Loss of water rights *3rd occurrence
Late Payment Fee 10.0% of water service
Meter Installation Fee $150.00 per meter
Developers Engineering Fee See Schedule of Rates & Charges Below

*Water Theft will result in the Metro Utility Department pressing legal charges against the customer with the Moore County Sherriff’s Department for all occurr

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